Enjoyed a wonderful professional wrestling PPV last night, AEW’s Forbidden Door #2.
Category: Field Notes
Notes from the field. Perspective thoughts on things that I watch and read and from working in tech.
Good article today on Lifehacker about some of the issues using a VPN that touches on two of my new favorite subjects: VPN privacy and remote work. A reader wrote in asking if they could use a VPN at their soon-to-be residence, which is paid for, and whose Internet access is provided for, by the university where their spouse works.
I’d been wanting to upgrade to mesh WiFi at home since installing a few wireless mesh access points a couple of years ago at work. In one of our locations, before the wireless was mesh, it was a mess. I cobbled together a solution using two ISP-supplied wireless routers —one on the second floor, one on the first— with an off-the-shelf router also on the second. This one, I located along a wing of offices, which, probably because of the building’s construction, wasn’t able to get a wireless signal from anywhere else in the building.