First, thank you to everybody who liked my Day 17 post. I appreciate it.
Category: NaNoWriMo 2017
For blog posts describing my journey through NaNoWriMo 2017
After I got done with the 9-5, I was all set to write, but I was feeling tired. I figured I’d take a nap for an hour. Two hours later, I woke up, still tired. Went back to sleep, woke up another couple of hours later. Read some, then, I finally sat down and wrote. 2012 words. That brings me to 36778 words total. Average words per day: 2163.
A different kind of day today. Earlier in the afternoon, I decided I was going to write two essays. I’d read more from the book I mentioned yesterday and I’d been reminded of some things I needed to write about. Then, I was watching a YouTube video with a quote attributed to Jim Carrey displayed on the screen the entire time. I went and found the full quote:
2220 words. 28264 words total. This day’s session brings my average words per day to 1884. This session was a little under an hour. Started late again. I’m going to ignore my PS4 tomorrow night and see what happens. Well, I’m going to try to ignore my PS4 tomorrow night and see what happens. I’m going to try over the weekend, too. Otherwise, I may be up at 3AM on Saturday night, writing.
2368 words. 26044 words total. This day’s session brings my average words per day to 1860. This session was a little under an hour. Started late again. This is probably just my best writing time. At least for writing prose.
What helped today: