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Tag: NaNoWriMo2017

NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 22

I think tonight’s writing might have been the latest that I’ve done all month.  That contributed to the lower word count.  Plus the fact that the topic, a continuation of the one from the previous two nights, got into some more difficult territory, so to say.  Tomorrow might be bumpy, but it’s going to still be.  And I’m still on track.   Read More

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NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 21

Wrote late, again.  I made an honest effort to write earlier, but I ended up having to make some trips around town and then rest some before I could even try to sit down and bang some words out.  But, bang I did.   Read More

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NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 20

Wrote late, again.  What else is new?  I think I’d like to break this habit soon and write around 5:30 one of these days before the end of the month.  But I’m almost 3 weeks in, so this habit might already be set and to get out of it, I’d have to start from day 1 with another habit.  Or so, I hear. Today’s output: 2569 words.  That brings me to 41874 words total.  Average words per day: 2094.  8126 words to go.  Average words per day needed to reach 50000: 813.  I’m staring down the finish line. What helped today: =&0=& Writing about a familiar subject, poetry.  How I came to poetry, how it became part of my life.  I didn’t get to the part where poetry lost its place in my life and, to be sure, I lost my poetry, but I may work on that tomorrow or next month.  The words came pretty quickly.  And I remembered some really good people and times.

What I discovered today: Read More

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NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 19

Wrote later, as usual.  After a long day of watching TV for the most part.  2527 words.  That brings me to 39305 words total.  Average words per day: 2068.  And since we’re coming down the home stretch, I have 10695 words to go.  Average words per day needed to reach 50000: 972.  I’m sitting pretty. Read More

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